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A woman listens intently to her instructor during an adult literacy class at Coope Camp in Gulu District, north Uganda, on October 6, 2006. Coope Camp, with a population of approximately 18,000, is one of 76 camps outside the town of Gulu created for internally displaced people in north Uganda. Since the war began in 1987 over 2 million people have moved from their village homes to camps close to the town of Gulu where they can be protected from the LRA, the Lord's Resistance Army, by the UPDF, the Ugandan People's Defense Force. Over the years the LRA are said to have abducted more than 30,000 children for use as soldiers in their army. The children were often tortured and girls were frequently used as sex slaves. Current peace talks between the Ugandan government and the LRA taking place in Juba, southern Sudan, have the north Ugandan community hoping for an end to the 20 year long war..Photo by Erin Lubin